
If you want sales success, you need to action these foundational mindsets and principles

June 21, 20244 min read


Hey Game Changer,

We get it.

You want to make sales and change people’s lives!

It’s an epic goal to have, and we are here to set you up for success so you can achieve it.

For the team here at Relentless Education, it’s hugely important you get to build the business you want to build, live the dream you’ve always wanted to live and go from $0 to $100K as fast as possible.

For that to happen, you need to have the right foundations in place to build your sales success.

So, with that in mind, let us lay out for you the mindset and principles for consultative and needs analysis sales that you need to adopt into your head and heart so you can hit your goals and start making those sales.

The most important thing to remember first and foremost is how paramount it is to build a relationship with your prospect.

You need to give a shit about them.

This really is a non negotiable.

Success in business is based on trust and understanding, and this comes from establishing rapport with your prospects.

Show GENUINE care and interest in them and you can create foundations for huge success.

Now, if you don’t like the people you are dealing with, if you don’t want to build a relationship with them and give a shit about them, then get out of the arena.

This type of sales, role and business are not for you.

When you focus on building a relationship and rapport, you increase your conversion rates, sales and referrals.

The next essential step to your success is understanding your prospect’s needs and problems.

You are going to do that by asking open-ended questions, actively listening to their responses and seeking to understand their situation.

Once you uncover their pain points you can tailor your solution to their needs.

Now, of course you will have standardised solutions, but never be afraid to customise and tailor certain elements to help them on their journey.

Provide solutions that address the problem and your prospects' unique needs and desires.

You also want to establish yourself as a trusted advisor.

You do this by providing insights, expertise, showing a deep understanding of your business, offering valuable solutions, and positioning yourself as a valuable partner who is invested in their success and their future.

Show them you are determined to give them everything they need to get them the best results possible.

Now, we come to the golden rule - always ask for the sale.


You can set different rules around how many times you ask, depending on how much you want to challenge your clients.

Relentless Education’s co-founder and a master of sales himself, Andy Anderson, recommends asking three times, because you never know when you are going to get a yes.

“You still do the needs analysis properly, ask the right open-ended questions, deliver with rapport and passion and heart. And yes, ask for the sale every single time.”

Andy said you will need to handle a minimum of three objections in a sales call.

Often you need to overcome objections in order to give your prospects true clarity around what they need and what you’ve got.

“Look at it with curiosity and with care and just remember, as the trusted advisor you know best. You know how to solve the problem. Always ask for the sale and always handle the objections in order to get the close.”

Another aspect of your sales success is in the follow up and maintenance of the relationship.

You can do this by following up after the sale, providing ongoing support and seeking to continually add value and other solutions to their life.

For the clients who come to you and convert - maintain the service and they will want to buy more, elevate and be part of your ascension model.

It is so much easier to make more sales and provide more value to a current client than it is to get new ones.

Okay, so there are the mindsets and principles that will set you up for great success in sales.

We are so excited to see what you do.

Let’s go!

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