Does this sound like you?
You’re a coach or entrepreneur who delivers epic content consistently on your social media channels.
You’re switched on when it comes to your DM strategy and have been busy building great relationships with potential clients.
You might even be getting a few people coming into your paid program, which is great, but what you really want is to increase your conversion rate to a higher level.
This is where running a free group challenge though a Facebook group (or any platform that allows you to create groups) comes in.
Why do we at Relentless Education recommend it?
Here’s just a few of the reasons:
• You create trust with your market by building authority, giving them a way to get to know you, like you and show you know your stuff.
• Challenges are time-based, creating a sense of urgency in the market
• When you find your number of conversions is low, adding in another step to warm up your audience is generally the answer
• When you deliver a high quality free challenge, the expectation is that your paid program will be next level.
• You’re giving free value upfront, which is an important part of nurturing your potential clients
There are a number of different ways to build out your challenge.
You could have a 7-day challenge, which includes 7 x 10 minute videos of online content.
Another option is a 14-day challenge, with 7 x 10-20 minute videos of content.
To cover something more substantial, you could create a 30-day challenge broken down into a module-based framework, with videos anywhere from 10 minutes to 60 minutes in length.
Some key things to remember:
• The headline and tagline you use for your challenge is INTEGRAL. Do not skip this part or leave it as an after-thought. The heading and tagline can make or break all of your content and is the thing that will determine whether people will join your challenge or not.
• The more specific you can make it, the better. Specify who the challenge is for (you want to be speaking directly to your avatar), what problem your challenge solves and how you will get them the outcome.
• Keep your challenge content SIMPLE. You don’t want to overwhelm people (this is super important - if they don’t feel they can handle the free stuff then they won’t buy).
• Speak to your avatar’s wants, not their needs. This is why your avatar work is crucial.
• An online course component with videos to watch and/or classes to attend gives people something to progress through in steps.
As well as content creation, it’s imperative your challenge is a good experience for the people who join.
Be warm in your interactions (including in recorded content), and show people that you see them, acknowledge them and that you will respond to them quickly.
Use the Facebook group (or your group platform) to build a sense of community and camaraderie among participants.
Keep your avatar in mind when you plan how you are going to deliver your challenge and content.
This includes how you decide the length of your challenge, the length of your videos, and how much the challenge participants need to do.
You do NOT want to overwhelm anyone, so make the content simple, basic and fun (keep your more complex material for your paid program).
Check in with your participants during the challenge and show you care about them.
Your goal is to ‘wow’ them so much that they are pumped for more from you, so they will happily join your paid program.
You can do it.
Let’s go!